Lightning conductor

We study, install and control the lightning protection of your buildings..

External protection with lightning conductors

• PULSAR 30 - 45 - 60
Protection radius from 19 to 110m
When a lightning conductor is installed on a building open to the public (ERP), it must be checked yearly (19/11/01 ministerial order).

Internal protection with lightning arrestors

• EDF (TGBT) input: BP 15 tétra D Res TS Type 1 (compulsory  according to standard NFC 15 100)
• Belfry safety cabinet : PMD 40 Tétra Type 2
• Control clock : PMD 15 Bi Type 2
© Paschal 2012 - ZAL les Garennes - 62930 Wimereux - Tel. 03 21 30 47 41
Création Studio JC Roulland - Actualisé par Horizon Marketing