
Control boards

Ringing : Angelus, Church services, Funerals, Celebrations, Peals, Weddings, Christenings, Carillon tunes, Hours, quarters, halves... Radio or GSM remote control. 1 to 54 bells.

Standard bell motor

Electromechanical or electronic bell motor

Linear bell motor (innovation)

Maintenance free (no chain, pulley or cogwheel)


Hour, Toll, Angelus ringing hammer
Dynamic ringing for carillon tunes.


Electrical set up in compliance to –NFC 15-100. Protection with thermal fuses, lightning conductors, belfry safety cabinet.
© Paschal 2012 - ZAL les Garennes - 62930 Wimereux - Tel. 03 21 30 47 41
Création Studio JC Roulland - Actualisé par Horizon Marketing