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Horloge murale : Contraste
Horloge murale : Contraste
Monumental clock making in the service of architecture
and interior design

Horloge murale : ContrasteHorloge murale : Contraste

“Contraste” time in movement

“Contraste” is adorned with two semi circular discs which open and close over the course of the day.  The discs are in black lacquer whilst the clock face behind them is made from lava rock from Volvic. The client can choose from 3 models of hands (filiform, wide, or in glass)



 Type : Wall clock
 Movement : Electric monumental clock movement, with radio synchronised time keeping.
 Dimensions : 80cm diameter, plus 40cm each side to allow for the movement of the discs
 Market : For interior use, in both private and public spaces
 Price : For price please ask


© Paschal 2012 - ZAL les Garennes - 62930 Wimereux - Tel. 03 21 30 47 41
Création Studio JC Roulland - Actualisé par Horizon Marketing